hy choose an M3 Air Inflatable Structure? The M3 Air range is the only range of inflatable event structures to truly incorporate structural engineering. What this means is the M3 Air range are the only inflatable structures that meet with EN, BS, DIN & TUV regulations. The engineering and manufacture of the M3 Air range, includes air beam technology that provide stronger, high rated structures. This means that the entire M3 Air range can be used in all weather conditions and we can provide engineering reports to support this statement.
The M3 Air range of inflatable structures have been used successfully in gale force conditions in many different countries around the globe, providing high class, strong, temporary event structures. Beautifully designed and quick to install, the M3 Air range is a truly modular system – plus the well engineered design and high quality manufacturing means the M3 Air range of structures are becoming the first choice inflatable event structure.
M3 Air is a brand new range of high performance, beautifully designed, and pactial temporary event structures. Traditionally ifltable structures have been light weight and open to abuse from weather and more importantly the wind. The new M3 Air + range ofers greatly improved performance through extensive design and engineering. M3 Air infltable event structures can withstand wind speeds and gusts of up to 55mph therefore ensuring your event is not efected at anytime of the ear. Creatiely designed the GEO patern and Air-strut technology, M3 Air products are the worldwide leader in infltable structures.